Thursday, 25 September 2014

The Anti-Social Network

FYC:"The Anti-Social Network" - Morality tale biopic of  activist turned entrepreneur Terry Cholmondley, CEO of  multi-thousand-dollar 'Silicon Roundabout' social network for dendrophiles, Timbrr. The film charts his progress from lonely bush masturbator to his arrest for fucking a tree near a nuclear installation, and his ultimate bitter-sweet redemption as Timbrr unites dendrophiles across the world, but he is permanently banned from Kew Gardens.

Monday, 22 September 2014

Whitley Streiber's Button Moon

FYC: "Whitley Streiber's Button Moon" - Updated genre-mash of terrifying alien abduction story Communion with maudlin-songed 80's children's TV classic Button Moon. Christopher Walken reprises his role as unfortunate horror writer and space bumee Whitley Streiber, whilst CGI-rendered voyeuristic interplanetary sex-beast Mr. Spoon steps in to administer repeated rectal probes. Guest-starring Vin Diesel as a large yellow button.